Text File | 1999-01-01 | 1003 b | 18 lines | [TEXT/ttxt]
About the Avarazine Project.txt
– mailto:hib@avara.net
Do you remember Avara e-zine's like "U.V.A.R.A." or "abort"? Urban "Robin Hood" Weigl has decided to create a new Avara e-zine called Avarazine.
• • • •
You can help Avarazine by writing War Stories, Level Reviews, Newbie's Tips and Level Design Guides for us – then simply e-mail them to hib@avara.net as a SimpleText or ClarisWorks 4.0 attachment. Alternatively, you can upload them directly into the "Avarazine drop box" folder on the Hotline server hl.avara.net – thanks in advance.
- The Avarazine team.
Check out HIB Online at http://hib.avara.net for more information.
BTW: You can get the latest issues of Avarazine by visiting HIB Online, checking out the Hotline server hl.avara.net or subscribing to the HIB Mailing list at: http://hib.avara.net/hib_online/MailingList/subscribe.html - check it out!
Thanks for downloading this SimpleText file – feel free to e-mail us for more information.